Solar Based Insect Trap With Double attraction mechanism To attract and Kill Fly Insects
- Area Coverage:-1 Acer
- Automation for illumination hours to avoid non-target insects.
- Two wavelengths to attract more insects (395 nm to attraction 465nm) with dual LED, alternate cyclic on/off provision with Violet and Blue colour to attract insects of different orders.
- Provision of restrictor to limit the light travel towards sky and within 117 feet radius in the field to reduce the vacuum cleaning effect of light traps.
- Additional light source of 495 nm in killing tub to drown the attracted insects.
- Working well in vegetables, mango, and pomegranate, cotton, and sugarcane, pulses, rice and multi crop environment.
Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion.
Invented & Approved By :
Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH)