Pectinophora Gossypiella
Cotton, Okra/lady Finger
The pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) is an insect known for being a pest in cotton farming. The adult is a small, thin, gray moth with fringed wings. The larva is a dull white caterpillar with eight pairs of legs with conspicuous pink banding along its dorsum. The larva reaches one-half inch in length.
Adults fly at night, placing their eggs (about 500/female), singly or in small groups, all over the cotton plant, preferring the buds and flowers. The larvae penetrate into buds, flowers, squares and especially bolls wherein they develop in a few weeks, boring an exit hole at maturation. In summer development is continuous, a generation requiring about 4-7 weeks. Towards autumn the larvae enter a prepupal diapause, remaining in this state during winter, either hidden in the soil, within unpicked bolls or inside stored seeds. Some larvae have a prolonged (for as long as 30 months) diapause. They pupate in the spring, the emerging adults initiating the first generation, most of whose members die due to the lack of suitable host plants. The surviving females lay eggs on adventitious or bi-annual cotton, and their descendants form the second, more harmful pest generation.
Adult is a small moth having wingspan of 10-15 mm, dark brown, with irregular black markings on the fore wing. Hind wing silvery gray with no distinct markings. Both wings are elongated, fringed with long hairs posterior and the tip of hind wing is sharply pointed. In the younger crop larvae bore into tender squares and feed within resulting into drying of the terminal shoots. Later flower buds and bolls are attacked. Infested flower buds fail to open up completely due to webbing by the larva, giving the appearance of a typical rosette bloom. Larvae damage the bolls by tunnelling into them, destroying the pulp and lint. Infested bolls open prematurely permitting fungal infection.
The infestation of flower buds causes shedding of buds. Flower infestation leads to the formation of a rosette flower. Also reduction of lint development, destruction of seed and weakened lint. Infested bolls open prematurely exposing the saprophytic fungi to grow on them. If seeds are used for sowing, the germination is reduced.
Insect Sex Pheromone Technology. It is the process of attraction, and trapping the insect those damages to crops.
Funnel trap with Pink fly lure at 15/ha for controlling.
Please use hand gloves / clean hand for handling lure
• Economically Affordable, easy to install and manage.
• If used properly can detect low numbers of insects
• Collect only Species Specific
• Non toxic
• Can be used all season long
• Pheromone Lure is species-specific
• Reduce the use of harmful pesticide and do organic farming and save the life
Pheromone used 99% pure.
100% Effective from other commercial product
Lure working Depend on weather conditions.
Lure working day in field life 30- 45day
Silicon rubber Septa
Lure can stay for one year without removing from packing.