Multilayer Sticky Traps
Sticky cards are glue-based traps frequently used in pest control to catch and monitor insects and other pests. Typically, sticky cards consist of a sticky glue layer mounted on a piece of cardboard that is folded into a tent-structure to protect the sticky surface. Most sticky traps contain no pesticides, although some may be impregnated with aromas designed to be attractive to certain pests.
Sticky traps are quite valuable to growers. They are used for one of two things: Trapping or monitoring. Putting traps out in numbers can be effective in reducing airborne adult populations of certain pests like whiteflies and fungus gnats by trapping them. If used at the rate of one trap per 250 square feet, though — or one per 1000 square feet in larger or monoculture greenhouses — and checked, pests counted, on a regular schedule, changed as needed, and the results charted, sticky traps can be an effective monitoring tool.
Use yellow sticky traps to trap/monitor most pests. It Includes whiteflies, fungus gnats, shore flies, thrips, winged aphids, leaf miners, scales, and many other).
The sticky trap is devised to overcome the problem of repeated washing or replacement of sticky traps which is a recurring problem in the field condition with following goals:
- Goal-1: To increase the insect trapping per unit of time of sticky trap life.
- Gaol-2: To overcome the problem of ineffectiveness of sticky traps in the field after few days’ installation due to dust/ debris/ insect covering on the surface.
- Goal-3: To improve the working life of sticky traps in the field.
- Goal-4: To reduce the recurring cost of sticky trap replacement in the field.