King Catcher
King catcher Light Trap is one of the very effective tools of Insect pest management in Organic Agriculture. King catcher trap traps both the sexes of Insect pests and also Substantially reduces the carry over pest pollution. King catcher attracts and kills the adult insect and It control Insect Progenies . Farmers must install king catcher from the beginning of planting the farmer can control almost all the Insect pests that are trying to attack the crop. Palvi Industries An ISO 9001:2015 certified Company Manufactured Solar light trap called KING CATCHER .It was light Weight,easy to install , Operating on solar system fully Automatic.
Trap Features & Benefits :-
- Energy Conservation.
- Surviving On Manpower.
- Increases Productivity at your Farm.
- Maintenance Free.
- Investment Payback Guarantee within one Crop cycle Completion
- Anywhere Can be used e.g. Farm, Landscape, Tea Coffee garden, Golf Club, Grass Land, Hills Cape
- Auto On/Off System
- High Voltage Dc Generated by Solar Trap.
Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion
Tested By :
Department Of Agril. Entomology, Dapoli Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli (M.s) & Vasantdada Sugar Institute - [VSI], Pune